Come and Join in the Why Do Men Crossdress Forum


Date: 06/10/2015

By: Davina

Subject: Re: Girls night

Yes I had a girls night in with the wife and a chick flick was nice and relaxing and stress relieving it its peculiar way

Date: 11/09/2015

By: Candice

Subject: Update

Come on Davina let's have an update what's going on with you?

Are you watching I am Caite what do you think of it?

Date: 25/09/2015

By: Hi

Subject: Re: Update

Works been uber stressful and demanding the last month - 6 weeks I may bog later so what's going on with me work work work that's is all..

Yeah I'm watching I m Cait with the wife.

It shows the trans spectrum where Bruce has had these feelings all his life and he finally clicked in line with what went on in his life and had an opportunity and finances to become Cait and good luck to her..

I doubt the program will cover the mere crossdresser maye it will who knows.

Date: 05/09/2015

By: Carla TG

Subject: Ignore

Everyone Ignore Tanya she's just a wind up merchant from what I've read.

Date: 08/09/2015

By: Laurie-Anne Tanyas Freind

Subject: Re: Ignore

Well the fact that you are trying to give Tanya grief shows that you are people that no nothing much about TV/CD/TG,I will list some of Tanyas accomplishments .
Thea and Annes Trans-gendered World Based in Nashville Tn. Help and Group.
Transriviera based in Plympton UK. Help and Group.
Regional Officer for Beaumont Society Devon and Cornwall.UK.
Member of Managment committee Beaumont Society UK..
Member and operator British Telephone Helpline society Top Certificates.
Travelled all over S. West England talking to Wives and friends. Also Samaritans .
Helping and Mediating with Wife’s and Husbands who have just found out about Partner Cross Dressing.
I think this put’s Tanya’s expertise in perspective.

Date: 08/09/2015

By: Davina

Subject: Re: Re: Ignore


I don't think the comments back to Tanya (no matter what her efforts in the Trans World above) are harsh.

Tanya didn't come in here with anything constructive she came in criticising for whatever reason which has provoked other t girls / crossdressers (a label not worth arguing about really) and wives of Crossdressers to comment back to Tanya as has happened in the past on the blog.

I'd like to move on and get back to something more positive and fun.

Criticism is fine but not when its not constructive?

Date: 08/09/2015

By: Laurie-Anne Tanyas Freind

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Ignore

well having read all of Tanya,s comments and some Mostly all of the replies I feel that most of the replies are stating she knows nothing about TV/TG/CD well i can assure you all that Tanya is still working with helplines here in USA maybe if your attitude and that of your friends was a little more accepting she could and would have been able to be constructive on your Blog and basically that all it is BS

Date: 08/09/2015

By: Davina

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ignore

I sometimes wonder if people interpret what is typed different from what is intended but I don't see anything very friendly in Tanyas posts on this blog.

Date: 09/09/2015

By: Laurie-Anne Tanyas Freind

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ignore

Your possibly right but different people interpret in different ways.
But in my opinion Tanya is right in most of what she has said then most of your bloggers appear to be in the closet so would have a different idea to myself and Tanya, our wives and families know so do most of our friends.Keeping something as big as this is very stressful.and your Alpha Male attitude does not really help.About 100 of our members have read this blog and Feel that you need to change your attitude towards people who maybe could help you and yours.
Best Regards

Date: 30/08/2015

By: Tanya Member Tn Vals

Subject: LGBT

Hi i notice that you are now referring to yourself and others as
T girls yet in our last communication you stated that you were not one of the T girls that the T stands for Transgender so make up your mind iether you are or your not
.Regards Tanya

Date: 31/08/2015

By: Davina

Subject: Re: LGBT

Entitled to your opinion but T-Girl is a more modern word .. Crossdresser a older word nothing more nothing less.. and I still want nothing to do with LGBT as it's 3 are sexualities and one isn't..

I thought you thought my blog was the Devil but you keep coming back.

I think you read things differently in the US compared to the UK and the Rest of the World.

Date: 31/08/2015

By: Candice

Subject: Re: Re: LGBT

OMG get a life Crossdresser / T-Girl is the same thing!!

LGB though I agree has nothing to do with me being Trans / a Crossdresser / a T-Girl (Part time straight married like Davina)

Don't tell me we're not proper trannys?

What is it with the discrimination of mere crossdressers?

Explain please

Date: 31/08/2015

By: Tanya Member Tn Vals

Subject: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

Have i said that you are not proper trannies???as far as i am concerned i have also not discriminated against CD/TV/TG. Indeed we are all tarred to the same brush.

Date: 01/09/2015

By: Carla T-girl

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

Oh stop nit picking Tanya seems you just want to cause trouble.

Date: 01/09/2015

By: Tanya Member Tn Vals

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

For your information i am not the nit picker I believe the first person to nit pick was in fact Davina.

Date: 01/09/2015

By: Clare Wife

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

OMG Tanya read your messages on the Guestbooks you're clearly the nit picker in here spouting nonsense and sticking your nose in where it's not wanted and showing the sort of prejudice I've seen against Crossdressing straight married men in the Trans world. Get a life.

the point you've raise is moot and shows how out of touch you are with the Trans world in the UK.

Date: 01/09/2015

By: Tanya Member Tn Vals

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

I may live in the US but spend much time in UK on business so sorry to disappoint you i am also a British citizen. I ran a group in S West UK also a helpline .Yes i am a trained help liner in the no predjudice from me to any CD/TV/TG.
But for my last pick i will say that in my opinion i do not steal from other peoples web site and change it around to suite mine as is done on this Blog

Date: 01/09/2015

By: Davina

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

Say what you like about the Blog I don't hide that some of the Blog has come from other websites which I've shared here I'm not hiding that at all so why mention it.

I even sometimes contact other bloggers and ask if I can add some of their blog to my blog if I think it may be useful or interesting but 90%+ of the blog and advice is about me and my wife unless I've stated its from another website.

You always leave me wondering what you want and why you have to always have a swipe at me and add negative comments not that I care as I'm a big boy and can handle criticism.

Date: 01/09/2015

By: Clare wife

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: LGBT

Give it a rest Tanya there is enough negativity towards Crossdressing without you coming in here and starting an argument.

Crossdressers and wives read this blog and have left nice comments yours the only negative ones and I suspect you are the one who said the website isn't useful and I also suspect it does not apply to you as you're neither a straight married crossdresser nor a wife of a crossdresser.

You ran some sort of group and have had some form of training. Well my observation is the training was not very good as you are very negative and come across as jealous for whatever reason I don't think we even care to know.

Davina ignore Tanya and keep on blogging sweety I've read in a few blogs you stating you've taken parts of other websites and blogs and you've added your slant on them and other crossdressers have sent you links in the guestbook / chat.

Don't take the bait Davina and where's your next blog update and your wifes???? come on hurry up x

Date: 02/09/2015

By: Tanya Member Tn Vals

Subject: Re LGBT

Clare in reply to your stupid comments i am not a jealous person my SO will tell you that i am one of the most helpful people she has ever met on the TG scene Yes TG Across the Genders when you dress you assume the other gender for what ever reason whether it is to relieve stress or just for fun .As for my comments being the only negative ones you obviously don,t read them properly as up to yet i have only made constructive comment .I am not the only member of the Vals that think the blog is not useful,and we have approx 600 members across several states.I will also state that i have been Crossdressing for longer than some of you have lived .My training for helplining was from the British Telephone Helpline Society,and took 5 weekends to pass there exam for the ensuing certificate,and permission to run a helpline.
By the way i am a STRAIGHT married Transgender person and proud of what i am .and i am not afraid to let people know that i Crossdress in my opinion there is no stigma to it in these modern days as there used to be Dress and be proud of it.
Best Regards Tanya

Date: 05/09/2015

By: Emma (wife)

Subject: Re: Re LGBT

You come across as a know it all been there done it worn the shirt so you're right and Davina and the other Crossdressers and Clare are wrong.
There is nothing helpful in what you have typed and again this 600 strong group of yours finding the blog is not useful? Not useful to you maybe who thinks there is no stigma to crossdressing which shows you are out of touch.
There may not be so much stigma towards full time transsexuals and to a great extent full time transvestites but there is a stigma towards Crossdressers where the word percent and weirdo creeps in which is why so many of us wives and so many crossdressers keep it secret.
It's reading some the likes of your bile and other know it all dictatorial trains people who apportions this is right that's not that drove me to leave TV chic and some of the same nonsense is spouted in the forums. This blog has been invaluable to me and my husband in helping us see similarities and helping us communicate using the blog as a talking point around what Davina or Davinas wife has placed on the Blog. No one has come on here backing up your points and as Clare has typed if you don't like it here don't come here this blog clearly isn't intended to help you as you are far too much of an expert Tranny according to you.

Date: 17/08/2015

By: Candice

Subject: All good

I think you look fine in all wigs despite cutting your nose off and the red one looks cool.

Go with what your comfortable with


Date: 18/08/2015

By: Tasha

Subject: Re: All good

My vote goes for fiery red Davina! :)

Date: 20/08/2015

By: Carla T-Girl

Subject: Re: Re: All good

Red wig rocks

Date: 31/08/2015

By: Davina

Subject: Re: Re: Re: All good

Thanks all I like the red wig my wife prefers me blonde

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