Work work work

15/10/2014 22:53

Work sucks at the moment ... Especially being called an expert as being called an expert is the sort of person you promote forward if something goes wrong to represent you in explaining why something went wrong..

Promote is the wrong word present maybe or throw to the wolves maybe better as I've had lots of promotions but for no pay rise.. So the last two weeks I've been working the proverbial off advising on UK national matters of things I won't go on about here and I did manage to Crossdress once last week for a few hours but even though stress levels were reduced for a bit they're back up again..

Most of it is self pressure as I hate leaving things undone and at the moment I'm juggling several high importance projects which only I alone can complete or know what to do which is not good for the company if I win the lottery and leave lol.. I wish..

So next week I have a meeting away one day maybe two so have shown my calendar as being away in meetings all week to avoid having to go to the office so I can work from home and complete some of the projects without being bothered.. I will probably take the opportunity also to unwind crossdressed whilst working from home having a chill out week whilst completing a shed load of work..

Don't know why but I'm struggling to broach the crossdressing subject with my wife again and still haven't shown her this blog.. Chicken mode or protection mode or guilt mode for putting her through coming home dinner time to find me as a leggy blonde tapping away on my laptop... 

I need to grow some balls and talk to her about my crossdressing again as every now and then I need to talk about it reassuring her or maybe reassuring me? Or both... No chance to dress this week looking forward to next week and hopefully less stressful in work..