Revamp your Wigs

08/08/2015 20:07

If you've got a much loved much worn tatty looking wig where you've used some form of product, straightening or tangle free spray or even hair spray before you log onto ebay and order a replacement try what I tried following a youtube vid last week.

Put on your wig and give it as good a brush as you can to get knots out

run a bucket ¾ cold water and top up with fabric softner (I am assuming you have a synthetic wig) and syntetic = fabric(ish) hence fabric softner.

Give the fabric softner a good stir into the bowl of clod water.

Dip your wig in bit by bit until submerged then pull it out slowly and between fingers and thumb massage the fabric softner into the wig from top to bottom a bit at a time.. do this for about 5 mins then soak for around 5 mins.

Remove the wig and repeat between fingers and thumb gently wringing the wig but by bit getting as much water / fabric softner out as possible.

Empty the bucket and wash it with cold water then fill ¾ with cold water and dip the wig in it bit by bit until submerged … repeat with finger and thumb to massage remaining fabric softner out of the wig until satisfied its washed out..

Empty the bucket once more and ¾ fill with cold water then submerge the wig again and remove it.

Put the wig on a wig stand or something else suitable and place in the bath for a few hours et voilla a washed synthetic wig..

Put it back on your head and brush it and it should feel and look more or less like new..

If you want it with curls etc I will have to write again as I'd like a bit of curl back in my long blonde wig so watch this space..

Let me know how you get on!!