Walking round a hotel ..as if
So our Girly night in as mentioned we talked about Crossdressing and
I joked about when I went on a business trip recently and packed
"Davina" and was dressed in the room which she said was fine.
So then I quipped I'd gone for a walk around the hotel as "Davina"
and she said (looking concerned) "You didn't did you?" to which I
said in a way to make her doubt me "No.. as if I'd do that" which
made her say "You did didn't you I know when you're lying your
nostrils flare" .. to which I reply "Don't you think I can make
my nostrils flare at will .. no I didn't walk round the hotel
crossdressed" and that's the truth lol...
Which got us onto a new topic "Going out dressed as a Woman" and
her view on it which is in the next blog.