
23/11/2014 11:00

Onto Uni to become an Engineer and this was quite stressful as I was in a massive auditorium studying with 250 others and struggling to learn .. a few of us would get together in the librabry and self teach eachother then a field trip and one of the girls fell for my singing voice and we dated for a bit.. I was living at home she was from Birmingham and staying in halls but I had a hectic sporting life still training, playing sport most nights of the week so I'd only see her at Uni or if we went on a field trip. I never invited her back home to meet my friends and she was a smoker and in the end smoking did it for me (yuck)  we split up.. Again I'm now 18 and cant recall dressing up.. I actually two timed her with a girl back home for a week and ened up ditching one and the other didnt want to know so single again lol.. There wasnt much time for crossdressing and stil naieve I didnt think i was a crossdresser I just wore certain items to get myself off in stockings heels and knickers and a basque no makeup or anything..I think it definately dimished for a few years maybe it was thekeeping fit and sport occupying my time