Twice in one week
So i've moaned about going cold turkey and no time to dress... then dress twice in one week..
Worked from home monday and spent 09:00 till around 14:00 dressed up nice n relaxing but my bra dug into me but i got through a lod of work on the laptop... tuesday was a long day away in a meeting with work with 2 hours travel each way.. a relative wasted day
So today (wednesday) as i have some time off next week and no meetings for the rest of this week decided wed and thurs im working from home to catch up with some projects and decided around 10:00 lets get dolled up as i wont get opportunity for a few weeks... no urge just opportunity.. by 12:00 i was back in male mode not really in the mood to be dressed as a girl.. strange isnt it... got a load of work done again and tomorrow should cap off two projects tho just realised im supposed to be in a meeting 2.5 hours travel each way ill have to blag out of it in the morning or i'll have to be on the road at 05:30 to be there.. the geography of my new role for no extra pay is rediculous.. heres where webex comes to the fore as long as you dont have the webcam on and youre crossdressed... wont make that mistake again..