Time Flys
I've not blogged for ages mainly due to work work work and work (again) so here goes.
The advice I've had on here and off here is get a new job.. the stupid thing is despite it being stressful so stressful its only possible to keep upto pace (just) is by working 50+ hours per week to cover a paid 35 hour per week contract, I actually enjoy my job which I'm considered a specialist in in the UK (Pity I’m not paid to be a specialist) and it's close to home, my own office, company car and free to come and go unsupervised having the trust and respect of peers and bosses.. however its getting a little silly at the moment with them expecting more and more from me for no additional gain to myself but they know I get things done so are taking advantage of my “OCD” - I have to complete a task..
Usually with stress and work Crossdressing helps but lately even Crossdressing hasn’t calmed my stress down with so much to do when I work from home I cant be bothered to take time to dress and then rush to undress later in the day with so much to do..
Add to this things outside of work stressing me out at the moment and the other night I scared myself having worked flat out until late to get something completed, I finally turned my laptop off at 20:30 and sat down and then my head felt a little light and my chest felt a little tight .. I think I was having some sort of anxiety attack as I still wasn’t switched off work.. I felt really weird but didn't say anything to my wife as think she'd have nagged me about working so hard and that would have added to my weird horrid sensation.. didn’t feel good... Stupid I know letting work affect my health which probably happened back in June when I had a dizzy spell which lasted 2 weeks.
I've asked my boss for a 1-2-1 as my life work balance is ridiculous at the moment.. so far he's not given me a date to meet which is annoying.. I'm also thinking of talking to my union as in work they doubled my area but not my pay and I have no help or assistant to help.. There is no one ese where I work who can do what I do or who knows what I know .. but I think everyone in the front line in work is up against it.. Reorg after reorg and redundancies after redundancies … That’s the results of Austerity in the UK less people covering work and everyone doubling up their workload to keep things safe.. madness and will leads to problems.
Maybe the next time I crossdress some of the stress will temporarily disappear with my "Davina" escapism.
I know it feels great when you've not dressed for some time (Last time I dressed was away in a hotel with work in my hotel room at the end of August so about 5 weeks not being “Davina”) so I'll have to see if I can find time to dress when I'm not working from home and I'm free just to chill out Crossdressed..
Just booked next years holiday too so have about 40 weeks to get in shape lose weight and get fit, back on a diet and fitness and try to work less hours before I make myself ill with work and other issues.
I'll try to think of a more merry blog sorry for this depressing one folks..