The Guilt is gone “Who Cares!”

28/06/2015 22:31

One thing in recent weeks which has happened is I no longer feel any
guilt for crossdressing.

It's out there, my wife knows about it and is ok with it, ok enough
to have a Girls night in and be with me dressed (but doesn't want me
to go out as a woman as that means I want to be a woman lol... not)

I no longer feel any guilt about my hobby crossdressing as I've said
before no harm done and it's just dressing up pure and simple.

Important dressing up to me as it helps me unwind etc but its not
something I worry or stress about affecting my wife or how she
perceives me or how she may worry about our relationship any more and
not something I feel guilty about putting my wife through any more.

It's nice that she tells me I shouldn't feel guilty as its just part
of me something I do .. so there is no longer any guilt in my head
about being a Crossdresser tadaaaaa maybe another notch on the trans
spectrum... The Crossdresser who's wife is ok with him dressing up
and no longer feels guilty about it.