the Good points and not so good points from a RGs blog
I half inched this from a RGs blog she gave the ok for me to post here..
1. At least once, you will find clothes that are not yours and you will be sure he's cheating on you.
2. You are never going to know if you just caught him looking at a dress or legs and ass. Or both.
3. Sometimes he's going to look better than you. He has to do a lot more maintenance to show his feminine side, so while you're rocking your comfy leggings and baggy tshirt he's rocking stockings, high heels and ravishingly red lipstick. This can feel demoralising.
4. It can get expensive. Now, money is already the number one problem in most relationships, so trying to fund a second wardrobe can cause some friction, to say the least. I recommend taking advantage of the sales or share the wardrobe.
5. You're stuck with a secret. This really is the toughest problem. Cross-dressers live with the secret of who they are until/if they ever become ready to share it with others. That means when you're "in" on the secret, you can't call up your bestie or your mom to talk about it..well you could but what would their reaction be? Your crossdressers secret becomes yours. It can make you feel like you're lying to your loved ones when you answer their worried "Is everything ok?" with "Oh. You know. Same old."
1. Clothes, clothes, clothes- I can share anything a wardrobe with him and he knows not to wear my best dresses. I've managed to reclaim some dresses back from him as my dress size has gone up and down with having kids. We not only like to look at pretty things together, we get to take advantage of a lot of the aforementioned sales and he has good fashion sense.
2. Fancy Clothes- I know, I just covered clothes, but these deserve their own category. Most cross-dressers don't start out with an extensive women's wardrobe, so they pick pieces that are super-feminine to start. This means that every so often when the kids sleep over Nana's (they've never seen him "dressed up"), He will be sitting in the living room watching television with me in his prettiest outfit waiting for me to notice his fabulous legs. After a few months of this, it sort of forces you to re-evaluate your wardrobe. I mean, he's dressed to the nines. Why can't you wear your Calvin Klein cocktail dress to watch television on a Saturday night. I found it motivated me to compete to look nicer than hims to put on my prettiest outfit, to feell sexy and to be utterly feminine..
3. Makeup skills- I have found that, in trying to help Him with makeup, I have become better at using it myself again a competitive thing to do my makeup better than his. Men tend to have much bigger features to accentuate, so it's a lot easier to practice on them!
4. Better Sex- That's right, I said it. It really should be number one, but I didn't want to scare you off. Men who cross-dress want to feel pretty and they feel sexy dressed, just like you do, so they know which buttons are the right buttons to push. Ahem. So to speak. If maybe once or twice they dress up before-hand, the turn-on for them when you don't turn away, when you embrace them for who they are, is huge. HUGE, I say pun intended. He's turned on as him but even more so as her believe me it's worth a try ladies. Even more attentive to my needs and more than eager to please.
5. Closeness/Commitment- Most cross dressers don't start out a relationship by telling you "Hey by the way..." It's something they keep close, and they only share it when they think, "Maybe this one is the one." If a cross-dresser has shared his secret with you, chances are he wants to share so much more. The seven years after Mine let me in on his secret were infinitely closer than the first eight--something I never would have thought possible.
So there you have it. Take it from me...the good far outweighs the bad. If you're not dating a cross-dresser, well, you can either use this list as a bargaining chip with your current boyfriend, or you can look around the office for the guy with the bright-colored shoes and start up a conversation.