Survey passed 200
- So good news for me people think my ramblings and the blog is pretty useful and i've had some nice emails and messages on here too which is pretty cool.
- The majority of people checking out the site are other "Trans" people (sorry for using Trans but it does cover all) but nice to see 44% are women looking for answers - like i said i've had some nice emails off wives and some want to hear off my wife.
- 97% want their partners to know they crossdress and honesty is the best policy. Hopefully some of the info in my Help and Advice can arm people with some tools to "come out" as a crossdresser sucessfully and I hope the help and advice helps those affected by the surprise news also.
- Almost 50-50 on the term for what we do or what we'd like to be known or labelled as with Crossdresser closely followed by the more modern T-Girl. I'm happy with either.
- Why do you crossdress is picking up speed as the latest question set with the majority the same as myself Enjoyment and Escapism for male lives. Nice to see similarities out there connecting with others with similar reasons for dressing to myself
- Sexuality 76% straight and 23% Bisexual so more or less 76 out of 100 Crossdressers straight and 24 out of 100 may be Bisexual as a ratio. I guess this is a guide for women who have just found out their partner crossdresses and I expect they hope their partner is in the majority...
- Looks like its quite varied how often peope on here crossdress with the slight majority having a once per month bit of escapism which is similar to me although this year it's been more like once every 2 months..
- 45% of you have accepting wives who are ok you dressing but not entirely - i'd say my wifes here sometimes too and sometimes total acceptance.
- Also seems a lot of you are like me dressing up fully as a woman and just being at home but how many want to make the next step and go out dressed? maybe another questionaire.