Stage 4 - Experiment, Acceptance and Integration?
After the darker emotions with good honest open communication you can reach levels of acceptance. BUT BEWARE – Set limits of acceptance and to the Crossdresser in the relationship if given an inch don’t take a mile!!
Optimism can develop and acceptance that some form of change is inevitable so you can begin to work with change rather than bury your head in the sand and ignore what’s going on.
This can bring
· Exciting new opportunities in a relationship
· Relief that this change has been survived
· A closer relationship
The final steps if you get this far involve integration with the focus on the future and a sense of progress. This new situation provides the following feelings:
· Greater Acceptance of one another’s feelings and the “Crossdressing Situation”
· Trust follows good open honest communication
· Honesty and a secret shared
I hope you get to this stage.