Snoopers Act
Has anyone watched the movie Snowden? Or googled or youtubed Snowden?
Worth a watch traitor or patriotic you can decide.
Well anyway if you did you will know the N S A are reading or decryptnig or whatever the term this and classifying me as a Crossdresser and also that UK intelligence has been snooping on us for years even to the extent of turning on web cams on computers phone cams and even listening to our calls and also secretly activating mobile phones listening in and tracking people.. not just bad people but everyone and now the UK Snooping act has been signed off very soon they can do all this that they’ve not so secretly done for years lawfully and we just let them do it… hy do we just let them do it? Because they’ve brainwashed into us that surveillance of us is for our own good and safety.. hmmmm I wonder.
1984 the Orwellian state is upon us and this is no joke this is one of my more serious blogs
The UK government will probably have us all in some sort of database as Crossdressers and will have electronic automated opinion of us all logged and ready to use should we step out of line.
The world really is beginning to become a very scary and very secretive place or maybe it’s always be secretive but with the internet we get to hear more about it things which the mainstream media doesnt tell us but the internet unveils.
So I guess someone maybe looking at me via my camera right now has seen me on here as Davina so the cats out of the bag this mild mannered alpha male is a Crossdresser.