Recalling how it all started
I guess I must have been 5 or 6 when I first recall the feel of silk nighties and the like.. back then it felt nice to walk through M&S touching the silky things and recall my mother teling me off for doing it, I also recall laying on her bed wrapped in silk nighties loving the cool feel on my skin and think I fell asleep like it many times when I was younger.
This sort of thing
No sexual connotations at this age just liked the feel and always remember liking a black silk one with lace on it the most.. I do wonder what my parents must have thought finding me wrapped up in silky things asleep back then.
I dont recall how often I'd do this but its my first memories and something which maybe was the start of my Crossdressing life / journey / hobby.. whatever it is..
Why am I recalling this? I've already stated some things here about my dressing somewhere in this blog but Karen adlers book now complete I thought I'd pen something myself on the subject.. from early days to now.