Not updated for ages so heres an update
Well 2014 is flying by we're already at the halfway point and how many times have I been Crossdressed?
4 - 5 times whilst working from home in 6 months which doesnt feel enough as my job has changed again for the better or worse I'm yet to realise as its a big change but no pay rise :(
Its still as stressful but I'm hoping not as stressful as my old job.
The new role takes me national also so I'll be in meetings al over the UK and having to stay a night or two away from home :( which I hate doing.
I've been considering what to blog about and have some ideas as I've found a nice positive post from a T-Girls partner on TV Chix I'd like to post here (Awaiting her blessing), how to make false boobs with rice and knee high stockings lol :) Yes I'vr made some and it's quite effective.. I'll post my how to with photos soon.. maybe tomorrow.
The Summer is here and its quite hot, just as hot at times as it was on my hols back in May on the Balerics... Fab family holiday and a nice tan which has long faded..
Working from home tomorrow and intend getting dolled up "Davina" is quite the productive Engineer..
Oh by the way worked from home Monday and didnt dress but wanted to ... Lunch time the wife says how come you're not dressed I expected to come home and find the other person you know the other you!! lol I wanted to but didnt get round to it which proved a good job with deliveries of items ordered on line coming.. Imagine opening the door to DHL as Davina... no no no...