New Job more stress for now
Hopefully my new job will become less stressful as i get into it ... whenever i catch up
No one to cover my role when i'm on leave or away in meetings.. i worked out I've been in meetings or travelling or on leave 87% of the time since starting y new job just leaving 13% of my hours to do actual work.. oh thats in an average 50 hours per week that i'm working minus the annual leave and I'm only supposed to work 35 hours... hmmm something not adding up maybe they made a mistake in the last reorg and we need more people not less.
What would happen to the UK if we all worked our flat hours and not a minute more ... unless we got paid overtime.. chance would be a fine thing.
Last week i had a day working from home to catch up and two 1/2 days working from home and managed a day as Davina which was nice but too hectic and too much to do to dress for 1/2 a day and far to muggy and warm.
Would love a girls night in or out some time but theres no time for that as would be nice just to get some husband and wife time out alone.. ahhh the life of a 30something married man in a stressful job no time to do anything work work work and a penchant for crossdressing.. need to win the lottery :)