My wife made me laff again
So I dressed up today and wife came home lunch time. Red dress, sexy lingerie, high heels, makeup, red lips, long blonde hair and stockings...
Again my wife mentioned me being nicer as "Davina"
Later we discussed it in the car in code as kids were there and i said you'll have me thinking I've got a split personality as I don't think I'm any different around her as a Man or as a T-Girl but i must be as she said it is like I do have a split personality..
One minute Macho man the next sassy blonde with long legs.
She may be right as 09:00 - 16:00 crossdressed and relaxed then in the evening as a MAN guilty of loosing my temper at least 3 times in an hour... Bloomin ek I have a split Personality lol