My wife is so sexy but she don’t know it.
I wish I could get into my wife’s head. She’s soooo sexy but she doesn’t think she is. Not only is she sexy but shes such a nice person and thinks of others before her self..
Today I’m getting ready for work.. to be fair to her she does the lot in the morning, gets the kids ready, irons my work clothes, gets herself ready and gets them off to school.
I need to intervene and do something to help maybe the night before would be a good idea... starting from now.
Anyway I come into the room as she walks in from upstairs getting changed to find her in a nice new black dress, fashion tights and high heels..
OMG immediate effect of drooling and follow her to the kitchen where I have to kiss her and tell her how sexy she looks.
In work and I cant stop thinking of her legs and those sexy fashion tights and high heels and how hot she looked (i sent her several texts ref to her sexy legs through the day)… Come home pick up kids and decide we’ll eat out.
Walking behind her on purpose ogling her legs… sit down whilst she orders again ogling her legs… watch her walk to our table ogling her legs… I bet the men in work were also ogling her legs all day which I told her but she said I doubt it… listen im a man I know what men do they were ogling her walking round the office in sexy fashion tights heels and a nice dress and probably had the same effect on them as it did on me.
How can I get her to see how sexy she is??
I couldn’t take my hands off her all evening … even under the table where we were having food and made it known how turned on I was seeing her in tights and heels instead of leggings and flats.
Here’s hoping for more ogling of my wife and hope she got the message that she really turns me on and shes sooo sexy… :)