Last Crossdressing of 2015?
So I guess summing up a year as a Crossdresser with an accepting wife I've been crossdressed around 12-14 times in 2015 with 4 occasions being crossdressed whilst away with work in a hotel room ..
There has been a change as sometimes with stress of work when working from home I've gone past the urge to dress just having to get on the laptop perform analysis and get it done then later if I still haven’t finished the task but its into the evening from an 07:00 start working from home I've regretted it thinking why didn’t I dress up.
Also trying to take some burden off my parents picking my kids up from school have limited my time working from home when dressed.
The ritual the wife and kids leave on average 08:30, I'm usually catching up with emails and the like then run a bath, shave, get changed and made up / transformed and spend the day working away as “Davina”.. If only work colleagues on the end of the phone could see me lol they'd never believe it was me.
The wife usually comes home for lunch at 13:00 and is gone by 13:30-45 and then the next hour flys by having to pick the kids up at 15:15 the next hour flys by and I have to undress and get the makeup off then pick the kids up and back to the house and back on the laptop.
I think we managed two girly nights in in 2015 with the wife which is nice tho the last time there wasn’t much conversation but some dirty thoughts in my mind wishing my wife would let me touch her and vice versa lol .. #notgonnahappenisit.
The for the first time 2015 saw me being away from home a lot more with work and I managed to pack Davina on four occasions and dressed in my hotel room and chatted on Tvchix nice to be able to say I'm chatting and I'm all dolled up lol.
Last week I was away for two nights with a lot of travelling and it was a last minute decision in pitch black at 05;00 in the morning feeling in the dark for false boobs, wig, makeup, stockings, tights, lingerie, makeup remover, dresses and high heels etc into a holdal and just in case I had the urge whilst away put “Davina” in the boot of the car all without waking the wife (should be a cat burglar).
The meeting in work did my head in and with an hour and a half drive further away from home to the hotel the urge grabbed me what a rubbish day lets get to the hotel find something to eat, have a soak in the bath then spend the night crossdressed so that's what I did listening to the govrnment and opposition debate on Syria :(
Urge setteled it was nice to be able to take time with makeup and just be there knowing that I wasnt getting interupted and that I could be dressed as long as I wanted but had to get some sleep in also.
The next day another meeting in work just as stressful with keeping up with what was going on and also keeping up with emails and phone calls it really is never ending.. it was 17:30 and I was still in work and I thought sod this I'm having another night as Davina.. So left the depot and grabbed food on the way which I ate at the hotel in my room whilst running a bath .. It was nice to be able to leave work knowing I could relax which of course I can do at home with the wife and kids but not relax in the sense of escaping macho male me completely and have a nice bath (tho travel lodge baths are ridiculous) and a shave then slip into something more comfortable a nice basque, stockings (oh how I love the feel of pulling on stockings and the noise it makes as I rub my legs together) putting on a dress and makeup and finally wig and stepping into high heels .. it would I think be nice to be able to come home and think how do I want to appear tonight … hmmm stressful day lets slip into some womens things and get all dolled up and relax as “Davina” for the evening.
Nice chatting to Tgirls and wives in the main lobby and girls only chat in TVChix and also managed to watch football and have a chat about it after the match as after all us T-Girls like sport (well most of us) and believe it or not a lot of chat goes on about sport and regular things maybe not what some wives and girlfriends would expect?
I took a few selfies for my TV Chix profile to add new photos .. we're a vane bunch crossdressers.
Also surprising how many other people are in hotels away with business crossdressed as you can also see in some profile pictures taken in hotel rooms.. maybe being away dressed is the way forward as the kids get older and taller and gain more freedom and ability to look in high cupboards along with the girly nights in of course although it seems a shame to give up rare baby sitting opportunity to stay in dressed as a woman when we could be having a night out as a coupke… tho I suppose we could have a night out with me as Davina #Againnevergonnahappen.
It is frighteningly appealing to just get up and walk out of the hotel room and go for a walk dressed when away from home where no one would know who you are and if you can pull it off go unnoticed lol but never happened tho I do tease the wife about it. The one hotel had a card to scan back in and the next morning I went to breakfast and back to the room and it wouldnt open the door so a good job I didn't leave the room crossdressed or I'd have had to go to reception as Davina to get the card reset. Haha what a scene that would have been.
So two nights in a row returning from home to a hotel and able to relax crossdressed and probably the last opportunity of 2015… Looking at my job I will have plenty more opportunities in 2016 to pack Davina on my travels and spend a night in my hotel room dressed up tho I hate being away from home… Need the bag in the photo for future travels away lol.