I'm glad it's not just me
I've found endless websites and blogs from other T-girls / Crossdressers / Transvestites a lable whatever floats your boat in a similar vane to my own which is a reassurance that i'm not mad..
I'll post here something from another website written by 3 separate T-Girls:
T-Girl 1 - “A man dressed up like a woman?? Why… he MUST be mad! He needs help! He should be institutionalized! Hurry – get him off the street before anyone else catches this terrible mental disease!”
Oh please. Get with the times please this attitude is so pre-1950’s.
"Crossdressing is a mental illness, babies come from storks, and the world is flat, right?"
"Crossdressers are mentally ill and that is why they have a compulsion to crossdress?"
it is possible for a mentally ill person to also be a crossdresser, but crossdressing is not the result of a mental illness, but rather one of many personal traits that some people have genetically woven into them. This particular trait just happens to be widely misunderstood and have a social stigma attached to it.
Crossdressing falls outside of what is currently "SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE"
What is socially accepted and what is not, does not draw the line between sane and crazy.
It pains me to no avail that much of society thinks terrible things about Crossdressers, but we're most certainly not crazy or mentally ill.
Crossdressing is not a mental illness. It is not a sickness, perversion, disease, affliction, condition, the work of the devil, or any of that other garbage many people seem to associate it with. It is simply who we are, and the only real problem with that is in how we’re treated by much of society.
Some forum posts from some T-Girls from the US of A
T-Girl 2 - It comes and goes with me,... but it's always there, regardless of the fact that I have not been active in a few years now. Its not a compulsion as if it was I'd have done it and not been inactive.
I've just learned to accept it as part of me in the same way that I accept my height, my vision problems and my need to always have a joke at the ready (except right now of course, cos this is serious business here isnt it....)
T-Girl3 - How does it make you feel when I tell you that gender is purely a social construct? There is no "gender" in biology.
(There IS the male and female sex which has nothing to do with clothing).
It is by pure chance and by societal expectations that women dress as they do and men dress as they do.
This must'nt be confused with an illness as if society decided men wore dresses then problem solved right?
It is absolutely fine to dress as you want to dress, but I personally don't think it is healthy to be "consumed" (or attached) to anything...especially things of such low importance and so impermanent as clothing.
I could give you some reasons I think some may feel a compulsion to do what they do.
There is nothing wrong in dressing in the attire that you want to wear, but there IS something wrong with something so physical and impermanent being the highlight of your life because usually these types of things aren't what will find you true happiness. (In my opinion, of course).
So, again, I'd say wear what you want, but if you feel some compelled/consumed, I do not think that is healthy and I think you should look around you and determine what it is of this social construct that has totally consumed you.
I can see that I would get on with all 3 tgirls as we seem to be on the same wavelength which as i said makes me feel better after recent discussion via correspondence.