Heatwave ... Far too Hot to Crossdress
So i't been a few weeks since I've Crossdressed.
I've worked from home a few times and had opportunity which as I've mentioned before is my only chance to Crossdress and unwind at the moment, but I haven't got "dolled up" as it's been unbearably hot as a bloke working from home and I've had to have the windows and back door open to get some cooler air in the house.
Being Crossdressed working from home still has it's caveats especially as it's summer holidays.
The kids are only a few miles down the road at my parents so could easily want something from the house so I have to pretend I'm going to work so they don't know I'm home... If they did visit the park and see the windows open they'd know I was home so a bit dodgy, but the urge to Crossdress has grown and I'm working from home tomorrow and sod it I think I'll get dolled up behind closed doors, windows and blinds and get my relaxing fix and finish off a project on the computer which I've been working on for the best part of 12 months (Some of it done as "Davina")
Autumn / Winter is far better for the private crossdresser...