Guilt and Shame is gone

01/08/2015 21:27

I've had messages from t-girls and from wives and girlfriends describing
how their husbands and boyfriends feels incredible shame and guilt
for crossdressing..

My honest opinion is been there done that "GET OVER IT!!"

That may sound harsh but put it into perspective as the hardest part was
telling your wife and if you're lucky gaining some level of

OK so you crossdress and the majority see that as not the norm or weird
but so what.. its your business and it makes you happy to transform
right? And you're not doing any harm right? And it helps you relax
right? And it can be a turn on? And its only weird as society brands
it weird and separates men from women by fashion and image etc.. Stop
worrying about it you do it so do it no shame or guilt are required

Maybe easy for me to say as I have my wifes acceptance although she would
prefer I wasn't a crossdresser but and this may sound harsh too so
what if she didn't accept it I'm not ashamed of myself and don't
feel guilty for having this outlet and escapism and liking
crossdressing, it is part of me and it's here to stay.

Perspective a husband crossdressing or a husband cheating on his wife what would
you choose? Even more perspective wars and poverty or someone dressed
up as the opposite sex pales into insignificance.