First Girlfriend...
I must have been 14 or 15 when I finally got a girlfriend and it just sort of happened down the park playing football girls would watch us and we'd hang out by the swings and talk although I was still pretty shy I remember stealing a kiss and that was that we were boyfriend and girlfriend holding hands and kissing nothing more.. meeting down the park and at dinner time in school if i wasnt doing any sport and in the end it was sport which split us up running, training, playing sport we just stopped and drifted no we're through or anything.. I still see her about and for whatever reason she ignores me but did introduce herself to my wife once as "I'm his Ex-girlfriend" so my wife obviously hates her even though it was just a kid thing.. Thinking back with sport and my first GF I cant recall much about crossdressing... Did I stop? I think I might have..
Sport took over my life, mainly running, sprinting, rugby, football and cricket from the age of 14 to about 17 / 18 I was so fit back then could run miles and fast and was in every sport team and captain of most I was becoming this Alpha Male and a bit of a big head, although I got on with anyone I think girls thought I was a big head and although some asked me out they weren't the ones I wanted to go out with.. Maybe I did still wear the occassional stockings and knickers back then..probably but cant remember much of it and still hd it but still didnt think i was being perverted, doing anything wrong other than feeling what I'd like to feel on a woman with new crushes in the Comp school more female teachers .. a thing for older women developed I felt intimidated by sexy older women when i was younger..