Ask Alice?? No thanks
So I have some virus or something I'll spare the gory details but it's left me now hopefully coming out of some 24 hour bug feeling sea sick like I'm on a boat my balance all over the place which is not nice so I'm sat in bed and thought lets see if there's anything new on Crossdressing on the Internet.
First stop I found an "Ask Alice" query about crossdressing .. whoever Alice is she hasn't a clue about crossdressing yet offers advice which I commented was "way off the mark" and if she doesn't know enough about a subject she shouldn't offer her advice as she was merely backing up the popular myth about crossdressing and classing crossdressing as an all encompassing thing men do, not noting there is a vast spectrum of why men crossdress and inside that spectrum many reasons why men crossdress and to what extent and for most of what I will term crossdressers merely the act of wearing and image society says belongs to a woman and as my polls show mainly for fun and escapism with crossdressers happy to return back to their manly form and personality.. (out of breath after that now breathe)
She was off with the faries trying to make it all DNA, gender and Scientific when its far simpler than that (although still hard to explain) in her advice which makes my blood boil.. however some don't like what I have to
say on the matter...(But these are not my target audience) As I always say I'm only speaking from my own experience of some 30+ years as a part time heterosexual crossdresser (Heterosexual whats that's got to do with image, clothing, makeup, gender.. sexuality?? - see the next few blogs)