Another Night out with the girls planned and…I’ve told My wifes best friend I Crossdress but she didn’t believe me…
A text comes through from Wifes friend " Are you ok for a girls night out the 4 of us"
The 4 of us refers to me, my wife, her and another female friend...Its still called a "girls night out."
I think the fem side of me that can carry a conversation about not just manly things is why they enjoy my company..
"I'll have to go in a dress I joked to the its a girls night out"
"You can go without me then good luck to you I’m not going to our local with you as a Woman" .. "haha I was joking".. just pulling her leg..
I text our friend back
'24th should be ok ..hoping to get baby sitters … should be ok tho for girls night out as long as I don’t have to dress as a Woman to join you xxxx'
'Ok and no you don’t have to dress as a Girl..... Not unless you want to obviously xxx'
'Wife said if I plan on a Girls night out with you as "A Girl" She’s not coming so just 3 of us then haha!'
'But you would make such a lovely Woman even play on your name….. Davina??'
'How did you guess my Girl name ..I’d better come out as me the Wife will come out then too'
'HAHA now your secrets out!!!! 24th is a date with "The Girls" cool xxxx'
Everything i typed was the truth but she thinks I’m messing about....My Wife called me a smart arse J... would be so cool if I could openly go out with them as "Davina"...