A wifes perspective
I would love my wife to pen her perspective in here ... It would be good for her (you if youre reading this) to do something creative and help others and get things off your chest at the same time.
Youve seen themessages i get thanking me for the blog stating it helped .. well thats from Real women to me the crossdresser .. it would be even better coming from my wife..
blogging about the time she asked to make me up.. how she felt when i told her id crossdressed before.. how it felt reading the letter all about my dressing .. they years of anguish and worry until that fateful day she faced her fears in her lunchtime bringing up a cuppa for me with me dressed and so on and so forth to today... come on wifey add to the blog please ... Love You!! xxxx
That picture is of you by the Way xxxx