Welcome :)
If You've arrived here you're either Curious about Crossdressing, You Crossdress or You're the Partner of a Crossdresser and You're looking for Answers and Advice? You can read here but my Forum linked on this page has taken over....https://cdtra007.wixsite.com/whydomencrossdress/forum
Hopefully I can help through experiance as a Crossdresser and my Wonderful Wifes acceptance of my dressing up..
There's some great chat and debate in the Forum - come and join in
- Help and Advice outlines what I hope will be useful Help and Advice for T-Girls and Significant Others
- Please say Join the debate:) and add your stats to the Surveys :)
A Quick bit about Me
Normal, Straight, Sporty, Competitive, Alpha, Married, Kids, Stressful job.
To quote my wife 'You're the type of man who no one would link to crossdressing'
How often do you Crossdress?
All the Time (1,065)
A Few Times per week (721)
Once per week (381)
Once per two weeks (354)
Once per Month (490)
A few times per year (387)
When the Urge takes me (497)
Total votes: 3895
Where are you on the Trans spectrum
Dressing in Lingerie only (847)
Dressing in Clothes (503)
Dressing plus Makeup (251)
Dressing Plus Makeup and Wig (573)
Presenting as a Woman at home (829)
Going out and about as a Woman on the Scene (428)
Going out as a Woman in general (347)
Total votes: 3778
What do you Prefer
Crossdresser (1,671)
T-Girl (608)
Transvestite (296)
Tranny (209)
Drag Queen (170)
Total votes: 2954
Whats your Sexuality
Straight Heterosexual (1,469)
BiSexual (789)
Gay (211)
None of the Above (248)
Total votes: 2717
Has your acceptance level moved on since first finding my Blog?
Still totally accept my partners Crossdressing (466)
I now totally accept my partners Crossdressing (257)
I now sort of accept my partners Crossdressing (307)
I'm ok seeing him Crossdressed (242)
I'm ok him Crossdressing when home alone (255)
I'm still not happy that he is a Crossdresser (234)
I still want nothing to do with him Crossdressing (226)
I'm still upset about his Crossdressing (254)
Total votes: 2241